Gardener’s Supply You Need
Nurti-Rich Fertilizer
- After numerous fertilizer trials at Lael’s Moon Garden, we have found Nurtri-Rich to be hands down the best Organic vegetable, lawn and general purpose fertilizer.
- Nurti-Rich has a certified nutrient content of 4% nitrogen, 3% potassium, 2% phosphorus.
- It is not the bagged poultry bedding commonly sold in box stores which is mostly sawdust and has no certified nutrient content.
- Nutri-Rich contains 7% calcium which veggies, lawns and most other plants love. (Most Northwest soils are acid.)
- It contains essential nutrients and micronutrients.
- Nutri-Rich is certified organic by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) and the Washington state department of Agriculture (WSDA).
- Nutri-Rich comes in pelletized form (like rabbit food) which makes it easy to handle and spread as a top dressing around plants. It can be broadcast with conventional fertilizer spreaders.
- It is a slow release fertilizer. Watering slowly dissolves it to make it available to plants over a long growing period. One early application is sufficient for the growing season. It will not burn plants.
- Nutri-Rich is not recommended for acid loving plants like blueberries, rhodies and azaleas—use rhododendron fertilizer for those.
Try a bag and you won’t want anything else!
Sup’R Green 3-2-2 Composted Chicken Manure Fertilizer
- Guaranteed Analysis 3-2-2
- Over 5 times more plant food value than steer manure
- Guaranteed weed and dirt free
- Dry, composted, will not burn
- Excellent for retaining moisture
- Ground for uniform texture
- Special slow release makes it last and last
- Really makes your vegetables, flowers and lawn grow
- WSDA certified organic.
Mycorrhizae Soil Drench or How to add Good Bacteria and Fungi to Your Soil
Good healthy soil is alive with all kinds of microorganisms. These microorganisms aerate the soil, break down organic matter and make the nitrogen and other nutrients available to plants. (Highly simplified explanation, point is that this is good stuff for the soil.)
Plant Sucess Soil Drench is in a water soluble form. It contains 13 carefully selected mycorrhizal fungi, 2 tricoderma species and 17 bacterial species well-suited to a variety of soils, climates and plants. Plant Success contains mycorrhizal fungi that colonize an essential link between plant and soil, producing plants of the highest quality. Also included is specially formulated natural root biostimulant. The plant enjoys improved nutrient and water uptake, and superior field performance.
Mycorrhizae soil drench |