live in paradise and have a wonderful display garden well worth the
drive. But, we realize not everyone can visit us. For those
of you who do not live in paradise, here are some sources that do mail
order and carry some of the plants we offer at the nursery.
Reading the catalogs and stoking your plant lust is a great way to warm
up in the winter.Bloom River Nursery
Forest Farm Nursery
www.forestfarm.comGossler Farms Nursery
Plant Delights Nursery
Whitman Farms
Whitney Gardens
Raintree Nursery
Gardening Groups and Associations
are compulsive plant collectors – we want them all! And we do our
best to share our disease with others. Joining a gardenng group
is a geat way to share your obsession and being with others who are
similarly afflicted is good therapy for your addiction. Learn
about new plants, swap stories and plants, find out where the great
plant collections are and so much more.Northwest Perennial Alliance
Northwest Horticulture Society
www.northwesthort.org/American Conifer Society
can you resist the company of fellow coneheads? There is a great
database on this site to look up information about conifers.
Maple Society, The
Olympia Bonsai Club
Join fellow tree trimmers for snipping with a purpose.
Gardening Events and Plant Sales
Visit other gardens, get ideas for your own. Find that must have plant or take a class.
Lael’s Moon Garden appears at several off-site sales. Click here to see where you might find us besides the nursery.
The sites listed below contain event calendars for gardeners.
Suggested Web Sites for More Information
internet contains a wealth of information on gardening. Some
sites are very good, others are well, you know. Listed below are
some we find particulary useful. We are partial to the extension service
sites as they tend to be impartial and are not trying to sell you
something.Thurston County – Common Sense Gardening Guides
up on the latest ideas for low impact gardening. You can search
the site and download guides on various topics such as landscape
planning, plant lists, fertilizers, weed control, mulching, roses,
natural lawn care and dealing with various pests using the least toxic
http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/health/ehcsg/index.htmlWashington State University (WSU) extension Hortsense
Ask questions, get answers using Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
WSU extension Gardening in Western Washington
Search by subject, ask an expert, view extension publications on line or purchase copies for home use
Oregon State University Extension
Oregon’s version of the above.
Oregon State University on-line encyclopedia of plants
Great Plant Picks
Plants especially selected by a committee (includes people that actually know their stuff) to do well in the Pacific Northwest.
Pacific Northwest – Plant Disease Management Handbook
handbook is intended as a ready reference guide to the control and
management tactics for the more important plant diseases in the Pacific
Northwest. Contains tabs and handy search boxes.
Master Gardeners
A great group of volunteers who are willing and able to help other gardeners.
Buy some great plants at one of their sales (see other plant sales page).
Attend one of their plant clinics and
– ID that mystery plant or bug
– find help for what ails your plants
– get advice on gardening
– take training to be a master gardener or master composter
– Make new friends
Master gardeners are trained by WSU extension and operate at the county level.Here’s links to find the Master Gardener Program closest to you:
Thurston County – McLane Fire station on Mud Bay Rd 360-867-2163
http://www.mgftc.org/program.htmlLewis County – Lewis County Court House, Chehalis 360.740.1216
Grays Harbor County
Mason County
Shelton, (360) 427-9670 ext. 396 or (360) 275-4467 ext. 396